For many property developers, modular and prefabricated construction isn’t a new concept. Find out about this building technique and how to get started with them.
The construction industry these days is abuzz with the idea of modular construction. But what is it exactly?
Modular and prefabricated building happens off-site in a controlled environment. The structures are divided into modules that are put together on-site based on how the original design is intended.
And this isn’t a new concept.
The Eiffel Tower was constructed off-site before it was shipped and assembled on-site. While in Australia, many cottages in the 1800s were made the same way.
While it’s obvious that we’ve benefitted from this building technique over the years, it seems like there’s a certain stigma associated with it. So much so that modular buildings only make up 3% of the Australian construction industry’s annual statistics.
If you’re a property developer who’s looking for your next project, don’t be quick to shut down modular and prefabricated structures. They come with a lot of benefits that can increase your profit potential.
Keep reading to learn more about this building technique and how you can use it on your next project.
What are the Modular and Prefabricated Building Techniques?
As mentioned, modular and prefabricated buildings are built off-site under rigidly controlled conditions. But they use the same standards and building codes as those used by on-site building techniques.
The technique is called modular because this type of construction focuses on producing “modules.” These are the different parts of the overall structure that are assembled on-site.
There are different modular building techniques that you can opt for:
The first is the more flexible design that uses 2D panels. Think of it as putting together an IKEA cabinet – only on a bigger scale. This is the more cost-efficient option because it’s easier to ship on-site, which makes it ideal for open-concept designs.
Another method involves a more complex 3D module. Instead of panels, you get to construct whole rooms or a part of them. This means the construction on-site happens faster. But the drawback is that the logistics are more complicated.
There’s also a hybrid option where certain parts of the building have 2D panels while others are 3D modules. For instance, the kitchen and bathroom can come in 3D modules while the rest are in 2D panels.
All of these methods can come in finished or unfinished forms. If it’s the latter, the finishing will happen on-site.

What Benefits do Modular Techniques Provide Property Developers?
If modular building techniques involve constructing the modules somewhere else before assembling them on-site, traditional building techniques are all about building on the property development site. And all the materials will be delivered and constructed there.
Given that, why should property developers choose modular buildings over the more traditional ones?
There are three important reasons why.
First, modular construction is environment-friendly. You minimise waste because the off-site facility can recycle materials and also control the inventory they’re storing. Since modules can be disassembled, components can be reused and repurposed. Not only that, dry materials are commonly used for modular structures. This eliminates the chance that moisture will be trapped within the new structure.
Second, you get to finish faster. For structures to be built on-site, property developers have to go through several processes. These include design and engineering, permits and approvals, and the development of the lot and the foundation. All these must happen before the actual building construction happens. But with modular building techniques, the building’s construction happens at the same time as the lot development. That results in huge time savings – specifically by up to 50%.
Third, the whole process is safer. Modular building facilities are very strict when it comes to adhering to building codes and design specifications. These facilities also use tools to help create various design options that fit your building requirements. Also, modular building techniques allow the use of software programs like Archistar to expedite and maximise the design possibilities of building projects.
How Property Developers Can Get Started on Modular Construction
If you want to give this building technique a try, you need to remember a couple of things:
First, make sure it fits the project. Modular construction may be impressive, but it’s not ideal for all types of building projects due to several factors. To start with, the funding has to happen faster so the building construction can happen earlier. If you can’t make that happen, it’ll delay the project.
Second, educate yourself about the difference between modular and traditional building techniques. This is the best way for you to determine which option is right for your project requirements.
Third, think about the logistics. Remember, modules have to be transported, which is the most challenging part. If the transport will compromise the integrity of the building modules, think twice before you proceed.
Fourth, do extensive research on the modular company that you’ll partner with. Make sure they have the capabilities to help you complete your building project.
Feel free to proceed if everything checks out and you confirm this is a technique that’s practical for your project. With almost 60% to 90% of the modular building work done off-site, you can cut the whole development process even by half.
Are You Now Considering Building Modular Structures?
Ultimately, building modular and prefabricated structures is beneficial in terms of time savings, environmental impact, and safety conditions. But you have to understand it completely for you to determine if it’s the right option for the specific requirements of your project.
If you decide to go give the modular building technique a try, make sure you’re using the right software. The design process is crucial here.
Fortunately, that’s something that Archistar can help with. You can input your design into the software so you can determine any potential issues that might compromise the modular structure of your project.
Try out Archistar’s features for projects using modular building techniques. Get started for free: []